Mindfulness Events

balanced stones in a meditation garden

Fall 2024 Offerings

CSU’s Center for Mindfulness


Mindful September

Beginning September 3rd , CSU’s Center for Mindfulness (C4M) is offering weekly Mindful September meditation practices for students, faculty and staff to manage stress with guided techniques that are designed to help focus awareness on the present moment.  “Mindfulness practices can support you with tools to improve focus and concentration, relieve anxiety and depression, and positively contribute to your sleep and overall well-being,” offers C4M’s co-Director, Dr. Margit Hentschel, who will facilitate the September sessions.

Mindful September Practices will be shared on campus from 12:15 – 1:00 p.m. on Mondays AND 5:15-6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays.

No registration is required. Classes are free and open to students, staff, and faculty. Everyone is welcome and beginners are encouraged to join these drop-in mindfulness practices. Each session is a stand-alone and no previous experience is needed.

Here are the session times and locations:

  • Monday’s 12:15 – 1:00PM
    • September 9th – LSC 374
    • September 16th – LSC 374
    • September 23rd – LSC 374
    • September 30th – LSC 374
  • Tuesday’s 5:15 – 6:00PM
    • September 3rd – LSC 376*
    • September 10th – LSC 372
    • September 17th – LSC 372
    • September 24th – LSC 372

*Please note the room is different this first week.


Workshop Series: Embodied Climate Action: Cultivate Critical Hope through Connection to Self, Nature and Community

Being in nature and with community are two age-old forms of mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Each workshop is focused around a seasonal theme within the Gardens on Spring Creek to explore our inner responses to our collective climate emergency so that we may regenerate resilience for ourselves, our community, and Earth. Tamara Yakaboski, PhD, guides participants through reflection, discussion, and mind-body activities to cultivate critical hope from our eco-grief and anxiety.

Preparation: Bring your journal or something to write on/with. Be prepared to explore outside in all weather conditions and temperatures – jackets, lap blankets and whatever allows you to be as close to nature as possible.

Note to participants: These workshops are containers to process, share, and witness individual and collective climate grief and emotions. These are not substitutes for therapy. They are not debates about climate crisis cause or existence or to develop agreed upon collective action.

The series for 2024:

Love Letters to Earth: 3/9 from 1-3pm, $10 in person

An Awakening of Climate Grief: 5/11 from 1-3pm, $10 in person

With Earth’s Support: 6/15 from 1-3pm, $10 in person

Wild Walking with The Gardens: 7/13 from 1-3pm, $10 in person

Gathering the Seeds of Critical Hope: 9/28 from 1-3pm, $10 in person

Gratitude for Grieving: 11/9 from 1-3pm, $10 in person

Facilitated by: Tamara Yakaboski, PhD |she/her|

Coach, Mentor, & Impact Strategist

Nourish the soul. Cultivate the soil. Restore the Earth.

[email protected]


CSU Health Network Presentations: 

Covering a variety of wellness topics including mindfulness, stress management, self-care, and more.  Additional CSU Health Network Groups and Workshop opportunities can be found here- https://health.colostate.edu/workshops/  and here- https://health.colostate.edu/therapy-groups/

Mindfully Managing Stress for Students – Fall Dates COMING SOON!

CSU Health Network, Mindfully Managing Stress Workshop for Students, 4 Session Series.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Need to get a handle on your stress? This 4-session workshop will cover 11 mindfulness practices to support your well-being. Mindfulness is a way to train ourselves to be in the present moment with awareness, acceptance, and self-compassion. Practicing mindfulness can help us cope with difficult experiences, cultivate meaning, and boost positive emotions.  In this series we will delve into mind-body techniques which can strengthen our skills for dealing with life.  We will also have time to practice these new skills. We meet once a week and attending all 4 sessions is encouraged. Sessions will take place at the CSU Health Network or on Zoom. Registration is required; space is limited.  Register here- https://CSUHealthNetwork.as.me/?appointmentType=category:Mindfulness%20Workshops%20


Leaders- Viviane Ephraimson-Abt, Ms.Ed, LPC, Stephanie Zee, M.Ed.,  Lauren Wolff


Colorado State University Health Network

The CSU Health Network is every student’s home for health and well-being at Colorado State University. The department is committed to care of body and mind to help students succeed in college and life.  All CSU students have full access to our wide range of services, regardless of their insurance plan. Learn more about our services:

·   Medical Services

·  Mental Health Services

·   Health Education and Prevention Services

CSU Health Network provides resources to help students learn how to improve mental health and well-being. Visit https://health.colostate.edu/mhwb-resources .

CSU Health Network presentation requests cover a variety of topics including stress management, mindfulness, well-being, sexual health, alcohol and other drugs and more. The descriptions of the various presentation options are on the presentation request page

The Still Point Reflection Space   is a nourishing, inclusive environment for CSU faculty, staff and students from all backgrounds and cultures. This is a space that can be used to prioritize your well-being and self-care.a place to relax, pray, meditate and reflect. You can reserve sometime in the relaxation pod and/or check out for use in the space Heart Math, biofeedback/stress reduction devices. Located on the 1st floor of the CSU Health and Medical Center, the Still Point Reflection Space is open for use during CSU Health Network normal operating hours



Wake Up CSU-  Sitting Owl Sangha 

  • When: 5:00-6:00pm every Monday

  • Where: Danforth Chapel (The Oval, CSU)
  • What: Interested in starting to meditate? Long-time practitioner? It’s hard to go it alone. Sitting Owl Sangha is a mindfulness meditation group which seeks to create an inclusive, conscious, and supportive community to foster belonging and compassion through mindfulness. We are a CSU organization and part of the Wake-Up network, inspired by the teachings of Plum Village and specifically for the needs of adults aged 18 to 35. We have been meeting at CSU since 2019. Come practice meditation and build community

For more information, contact Gaia at [email protected], or [email protected]. We can add you to a group to receive more information.


Zen Club Weekly Meetings

  • When: 5:30-6:30pm every Wednesdays
  • Where: Danforth Chapel (The Oval, CSU)
  • What: Zen Club weekly meetings provide an opportunity for students and community members to cultivate mindfulness, awareness and self-discipline through sitting and walking meditation. Also it occasionally brings to the campus speakers and educators of the zen meditation perspective.

*Contact Erich Stroheim ([email protected]), (970) 482-3811if you have any questions